Haller’s Army Index

  • Search the Database: Enter the surname or at least the first three letters. First name is optional. Match first will match the first 3 or more letters in your surname entry. Exact match searches the full entry as entered.
  • Results Page: Lists those entries matching your criteria. Click on the name to create the printable page for that record.
  • Order Form: Orders must be requested with an order form. NOTE: As described on the order form, requests for Haller’s Army documents are addressed to and completed by the Polish Museum of America.
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Description of the Army

An estimated 20,000 Polish persons answered the call to fight for freedom and the opportunity to regain Poland’s independence during World War I in the Polish Army in France (in Polish: Armia Polska we Francyi). They were recruited from among the Polish immigrants who came to America.

The Polish Army in France was also called “Haller’s Army” after the general who commanded it; or the “Blue Army” for the blue uniforms the soldiers wore.

About the Records Index

The city and state give the place the person was from when volunteering. This is helpful to narrow the choices if the person of interest has a common name. The last column, labeled “Form”, serves as a location code describing in which record group the information is found.
Group A is a collection of form A papers. This is the intention to volunteer. It contains the name, address, age and marital status.
Form B is a medical examination report for the volunteer.
Group C is a collection of form C papers. This is the final commitment paper and the most genealogically significant. Form C includes date and place of birth and usually the name and address of a parent or other close relative.
Group L is a collection of loose papers. They are duplicates of those in Group A and Group C. If you order Group L, you do not need to order Group A and C.

The forms are typically carbon paper copies of the original and in some cases do not provide a quality photocopy.

Returning Soldiers

These ship manifests provide listings of returning Haller’s Army soldiers to the US in the 1920s.
SS Antigone (from Danzig April 18, 1920)
SS Latvia (August 17, 1922)
SS Pocahontas (from Danzig April 2, 1920, arrive New York April 21, 1920)
SS Pocahontas (from Danzig June 16, 1920)
SS Princess Matokia (from Danzig – May 23, 1920)

Search Haller's Army
You must enter a surname that only contains letters to search.
If you entered a first name it must only contain letters.